There are many options to come to Canada to work temporarily. The key is to understand how your goals align with the programs offered and to match you accordingly. The nature of your work and demand for your skills will in part determine how you will navigate the options and plan your arrival. For some, their first entry into the Canadian workforce will be under temporary status to enable them to amass the needed work experience to later pursue permanent residence. Each of these programs are very intricate and have varying timeframes, so please take the time to review the different options and reach out to Asteco
Immigration Consulting for a comprehensive understanding of your unique situation.
Foreign nationals who wish to work in Canada are generally required to have a job offer from a Canadian employer to obtain a work permit. Before being eligible to apply for a work permit, the potential employer may have to apply for a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA). The purpose of an LMIA is to prove that a foreign worker is necessary for a specific job position; it must be true that no Canadian worker or permanent resident is available to do the job. In some cases, the employer or the employee depending on the program may be eligible for a LMIA- exempt work permit. There are several programs that are LMIA -exempt.
Do I need a work permit to work in Canada?
Most people need a work permit to work in Canada. If you need a work permit, you may be eligible for either an
employer-specific work permit or
open work permit

Call us today at 1-844-727-8326 for an assessment to see if you are eligible to come to Canada, or complete our online assessment form.